WRE 2016

7th Workshop of Robotics in Education | Recife-PE - Brazil | October, 10-11, 2016

Instructions for authors

WRE 2016 accepts papers with a minimum of 4 pages and maximum of 6 pages. All manuscripts must be prepared according with the templates of the Brazilian Society for Computing (SBC). The templates are available at the website (www.sbc.org.br) or here. The paper must include title, authors, institutions, abstract and keywords. Before submitting the paper, each manuscript must be registered on the JEMS conference management system. After registering the paper, the manuscript it will be possible to upload the manuscript.
Submission system:

Papers should be written in Portuguese or English (preferably). For the submission, only PDF files are allowed. Papers not submitted via the JEMS systems will not be considered for WRE 2016. Each paper will go through a revision done by 3 reviewers considering its novelty, technical soundness and clarity, presentation, and experimental validation. Please, include at least one topic of interest during submission. Articles not complaint with the format/template will be automatically rejected.